The City of Alton operates under a Mayor-Council form of city government. The Mayor is the Chief Executive Officer of the City. As such, the Mayor is accountable to all of the residents of Alton for the policies, programs, and financial undertakings of the City. The Mayor is elected to a four-year term, as are the City Clerk, City Treasurer, and members of the City Council. For a listing of other elected officials of the City of Alton, please click here.
The Mayor’s Office is committed to providing the most efficient and fiscally responsible services to the citizens of Alton. To this end, the Mayor’s Office performs several duties. The Mayor appoints members to various boards and commissions within the City as well as Department Heads with the advice and consent of the City Council. The Mayor, working with other Elected Officials and Department Heads, works to establish a yearly budget. The Mayor’s Office is responsible for public relations. The Mayor personally attends numerous community functions, represents the City with various civic clubs and organizations, and serves on several local boards.
The Mayor works with the other Elected Officials, volunteers on committees and commissions, and Department Heads to establish policies, procedures, and goals for the City. Goals for 2021-2022 include:
Continuing to strengthen and evaluate the City’s Code Enforcement Ordinances and enforcement procedures with a specific focus on problem properties and vacant buildings;
Enhancing strategies of business attraction and expansion with a specific focus on the Broadway corridor and commercial and industrial properties. Increasing the number of small businesses, and the creation of new, quality jobs;
Continuing progress along Homer Admas Parkway to include new development on the property surrounding the regional multi-modal transportation facility as well as Alton Square Mall;
Re-investing in city parks like Riverview, James Killion, Rock Springs, and Gordon Moore Park. Continued development of a Splash Pad which will also include additional restrooms and concession area benefiting our youth;
Alton is a home rule municipality and may pass ordinances regulating the areas of the building, zoning, sanitation, nuisance, civil disturbance, and other matters relating to public health, safety, morale, and welfare unless specifically restricted by State law or other provisions of the Constitution. The City may supplement State law as long as the ordinance does not reduce minimum standards or provide for a lesser penalty than State law imposes. The Alton City Council meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. To view City Council agendas and minutes, please click here.
To all event holders and organizations in the City of Alton when applying to the city of Alton for a special event liquor license for your special event, please apply at least 60 days before the event in order to give enough time to go through the approval process for city and to get your application approved through the state. If this is not applied for within the time specified, it will be denied.
The Illinois Liquor Control Act requires the Mayor to serve as the Liquor Control Commissioner, with the power to enforce all laws relating to liquor control and liquor licensing. An application for a liquor license can be downloaded by clicking here.
Contact Us
Secretary/City of Alton Freedom of Information Officer
E: [email protected]
101 E. Third Street
Alton, IL 62002
P: 618.463.3500
FAX: 618.463.3525
Monday – Friday
8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.
Alton Police Department Freedom of Information Officer
E: [email protected]
1700 E. Broadway
Alton, IL 62002
PH: 618.463.3505 ext. 624
FAX: 618.462.3797
Monday – Friday
8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M