Please Scroll down to the bottom of the page to book your appointment.

**Please note that we require at least a 24 hour notice to process your online request.**

To Check the Status of your fingerprint request please email the Illinois State Police Bureau of Identification Customer Service at [email protected] or via phone at (815) 740-5160 Option 2.


Livescan is an inkless electronic system designed to capture an individual’s fingerprint images and demographic data (name, sex, race, date of birth, etc.) in a digitized format that can be transmitted to the state central repository (Illinois State Police) for processing. The data is forwarded to the Illinois State Police (ISP), Bureau of Identification (BOI) over a Virtual Private Network (VPN), and then processed by the ISP’s Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS). Once received at the BOI for processing, the inquiry can then be forwarded to the FBI electronically for processing. All of this occurs within minutes and results in a biometric identification of an individual with little or no human intervention.

There have been a number of advancements in livescan technology over the last ten years. Livescan fingerprint technology provides a fast, easy way of capturing fingerprint images and transmitting them to get a quick criminal history record response. Livescan operators do not require in-depth training in order to roll a good set of fingerprints and do not have to be versed in the science of fingerprinting to successfully utilize live scan equipment. Today’s live scan devices are equipped with error checking software that reduces potential fingerprint quality errors. Livescan technology is widely used among criminal justice as well as many non-criminal justice agencies that submit fingerprints to the state and/ or FBI for processing. The overwhelming majority of fingerprint submissions received by the ISP and FBI are submitted electronically utilizing live scan technology.

The major advantages of utilizing a live scan system include the ease of use and the speed in which fingerprint images and demographic data can be captured and transmitted and positive identifications made. Fingerprint impressions are taken by placing an individual’s fingers against a glass platen and scanning them. The scanned images are digitized and packaged with the demographic information that must be keyed into the system. Both sets of data are then electronically forwarded to the ISP’s AFIS system for processing. Most live scan submissions are processed and results returned within 48 hours. The criminal history response is returned to the requesting agency based on their Originating Identification Number (ORI), not the live scan vendor capturing and transmitting the fingerprint submission. Another benefit of live scan technology is its built-in quality assurance component. As fingerprints are scanned, the device determines if the fingerprint images are rolled completely and in the proper sequence to meet minimum quality control processing standards. When using the old ink and roll method, poor quality prints could not be determined until they had been sent through the mail to the BOI and processed by a fingerprint technician. The manual submission and processing of fingerprint cards always increase the potential of errors and result in increased response times.

FBI Record Requests

Click here for more information

Please Note: If any of the above items are missing or incomplete, the request will be returned and allow approximately 8 – 10 weeks for processing, upon receipt to the FBI.

You will receive one of two things from the FBI. They are either:

  1. No Record Response. Consists of the original fingerprint card stamped No Record.
  2. FBI Identification Record


State Only $35.00 $20.00
FBI Only $35.00 $20.00
State & FBI $55.00 $40.00
National Child Protection
Act/Volunteers for Children
Act and Adam Walsh Volunteers
$55.00 $40.00


Name-based Inquiry $55.00
Fingerprint Card $55.00


Petition to Expunge or Seal Criminal History $55.00
Court Order to Expunge or Seal Criminal History $85.00
Subpoena for Criminal History Information $55.00
Illinois Access and Review/Record Challenge $55.00

(fees effective July 1, 2022)


  • Bring a government-issued photo ID
  • Bring the fee of $55.00. We accept cash, check, and credit card.  There is a $35.00 fee for no call/no show appointments and for rescheduling the day of your appointment.
  • We will capture your fingerprints and supply you with a copy of your form with your Transaction Control Number (TCN) you will need for your particular application process
  • Your fingerprints are sent directly to the Illinois State Police where they are processed and sent to the appropriate agency.


1. What if my fingerprints were rejected at the Illinois State Police level?

  • You must come back and get re-fingerprinted and pay the fee of $55.00 cash again. If you were sent to be fingerprinted by a school district for a full-time position, they will typically cover this cost.

2. What if my fingerprints were accepted at the Illinois State Police level but rejected at the FBI Level?

  • You must come back and get re-fingerprinted as the FBI only.

3. What if my fingerprints were rejected a second time?

  • MOST of the time, they are able to do a name-based check with two rejected fingerprint results at the Illinois State Police and FBI level. However, some professional licenses require you to be re-fingerprinted until they decide to do a name-based check themselves! Feel free to contact us with more questions.

4. What if I lost my fingerprint receipt?

  • You may come back and get a copy of your fingerprint receipt or call and receive the TCN over the phone. Many Professional Licenses require a paper copy of the receipt to be mailed with all other required forms.

5. I was fingerprinted for one professional license; can’t you use the results for a different one?

  • No. Your fingerprints are captured and sent for one specific purpose, whether it be for concealed carry, or an IDFPR license. You are issued a TCN which reflects that single purpose. You must be re-fingerprinted for any other profession.

6. I have been waiting on my fingerprint results for weeks, what is going on?

  • The ISP BOI prefers an email request at [email protected] vs a phone call. Please insure to include you TCN number in your email.
  • Fingerprint results can take up to 30 days to be processed. If you feel as if you have waited long enough, you may call the Illinois State Police customer service at (815) 740-5160.
  • Press 2 for customer service. Once you get a representative, you may present them with your TCN and ask about your results.

7. Will the photo you took during my fingerprint process be applied to my Concealed Carry application?

  • No. The photo was taken for your fingerprint file only.

8. What fingerprint are you unable to process? See notes below 

Fingerprints are done by appointment only. Please use the booking form below to schedule your appointment.

In some cases, fingerprints can be done the same day, between the hours of 9:00 AM-4:00 PM Monday through Friday excluding 12:00 PM-1:00 PM for lunch.

The address is 101 E. Third St. Room 204 Alton, Illinois 62002.

There are some public fingerprints we are not able to process. You are responsible for knowing what you need to be fingerprinted for. Refunds will not be issued for incorrect Purpose Codes you have provided to us. After the appointment you will be provided with a Transaction Control Number (TCN) to include with applications.

Fingerprinting for CDL HAZMAT endorsement can only be done through the TSA. Click here for information.

You MUST bring a state issued ID or Driver’s License. No other form of ID will be accepted.

Health Care Workers 

If you are needing fingerprinting for the HCW Purpose code Health Care Worker, you must go to an Accurate Biometrics Facility to be printed. We are not authorized to submit fingerprints to the Illinois Department of Public Health due to a state contract with them. To schedule an appointment with them please visit Accurate Biometrics website by clicking here.

School Teachers/Workers

If you are needing fingerprinting for a school, you must go to the Madison County Regional Board of Education Office in Edwardsville. Click here to visit their website.

Video Gaming

If you are needing fingerprinting for video gaming, you must go to an Accurate Biometrics Facility to be printed. We are not authorized to submit fingerprints to the Illinois Gaming Board due to a state contract. To schedule an appointment with them please visit Accurate Biometrics website by clicking here.

DCFS Childcare, Adoption and Foster parents.

If you are needing fingerprinting for video gaming, you must go to an Accurate Biometrics Facility to be printed

FOIDs and Fingerprints 

You’ve heard conflicting opinions about FOID applications and fingerprints. Some insist that FOID applications are going to require fingerprints. Others say it isn’t possible. All you know is, you can’t seem to get a straight answer. Well, here you go:

“430 ILCS 65/4”

(a-25) Beginning January 1, 2023 (emphasis added) each applicant for the issuance of a Firearm Owner’s Identification Card may include a full set of his or her fingerprints in electronic format to the Illinois State Police, unless the applicant has previously provided a full set of his or her fingerprints to the Illinois State Police under this Act other Firearm Concealed Carry Act.

The fingerprints must be transmitted through a live scan fingerprint vendor licensed by the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation. The fingerprints shall be checked against the fingerprint records now and here after filed in the Illinois State Police and Federal Bureau of Investigation criminal history records databases, including all available State and local criminal history record information files.

430 ILCS 65/4(a-25))

The operative word in this enacting statute is, “…may…” This is entirely voluntary. Why would somebody do this? Because of this additional new language below:

“430 ILCS 65/3.1”

“(b-5) By January 1, 2023, the Illinois State Police shall by rule provide a process for the automatic renewal of the Firearm Owner’s Identification Card of a person at the time of an inquiry in subsection (b). Persons eligible for this process must have a set of fingerprints on file with their application under either subsection (a-25) of Section 4 or the Firearm Concealed Carry Act.” (430 ILCS 65/3.1(b-5)) (effective Jan. 1, 2023) 

The idea here is, if properly obtained and submitted fingerprints (meaning from a vendor authorized to provide prints specifically for FOID and CCL) are on file – including if previously-submitted for a concealed carry license – when a cardholder purchases a firearm from a federally-licensed firearms dealer (FFL), who conducts a background check through the Firearm Transfer Inquiry Program (FTIP), if the purchase is approved, the FOID will be automatically renewed for a period of 10 years from the date of the purchase approval.

Contact Us


Director of Information Technology
E: [email protected]


Information Technology Specialist
E: [email protected]


Information Technology Specialist
E: [email protected]


101 E. Third Street, Suite 204
Alton, IL  62002
P: 618.463.7059
FAX: 618.463.0972


Monday – Friday
8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.


24 / 7 / 365 Support