Chairman: Wayne Politsch
- Zeke Jabusch
- Jeff Dale
- Wayne Politsch
- Nicholas Johnson
- Dr. Nixon Pendergrass
Meeting Date: Second Tuesdays
Meeting Time: 4:00 P.M.
Meeting Location: City Hall
Contact: Mayor’s Office, 618.463.3500
Description: The Climate Protection and Energy Efficiency Committee shall establish its own schedule of meetings, organize and appoint such subcommittees as may be deemed necessary, and conduct its business in such a manner as to progressively approach the goals of climate protection and energy efficiency within the government and jurisdiction of the City of Alton. Alton Green History:
Climate Action Plan
Cool Cities Accomplishments
Aggregation Plan of Operation and Governance
Green Tips and Resources:
- Electricity Aggregation Information
- Madison County Recycling Events – Electronics and Hazardous Waste Recycling
- Madison County Recycling 101
- Curbside Recycling Guide
- Water Wise Illinois American Water
- St. Louis Clean Air Partnership
- Toxic Release Inventory
- Alton Stormwater Information
- Alton Beautification and Clean City Committee
- Piasa Palisades Group of the Sierra Club
- Alton Farmers’ and Artisans’ Market
- Mississippi Earthtones Festival