- Barb Gearing
- Nick Moehn
- Damian Jones
- Mike Doucleff
Meeting Date: Wednesdays (As Needed)
Meeting Time: 8:00 A.M.
Meeting Location: City Council Chambers
Contact: Christine Little, 618.463.3533
Description: The Appearance Review Commission holds public hearings and makes recommendations for Appearance Plans; consults and cooperates with other commissions, City Departments, and any other governmental bodies affecting the appearance of the Alton Downtown and Broadway Area Redevelopment District; studies exterior design drawings, landscape, site plans, and materials for any proposed public improvement in the District and makes recommendations to the City Council as to the architectural or aesthetic aspects thereof; holds hearings on the issuance of certificates of approval in connection with questions pertaining to applications for building and sign permits is the District and to issue or deny the certificates pursuant to City Code; and holds hearings, when required by the guidelines of the Alton Commercial Building Façade Program, on the issuance of certificates approval in connection with applications the Alton Commercial Façade Program and issue or deny certificates pursuant to the City Code without regard to the location of any property which is the subject of such application, if the property is in the City limits.