Grant Program Description
The Alton Tax Increment Finance Grant Program is a grant program that provides financial assistance to property owners for permanent building and site improvements (real property improvements only) associated with existing structures and/or land. Examples of permanent improvements include:
1) Life safety and accessibility code requirements;
2) Repair/replacement of roof, floors, structural walls or windows;
3) Exterior/interior rehabilitation, reconstruction, repair or remodeling of an existing structure;
4) Repair/replacement of electrical, plumbing, heating or cooling systems;
5) Installation of an elevator, sprinkler, fire or smoke alarm system; and
6) Parking lot paving or landscaping (excluding fencing for screening purposes).
The maximum grant request shall not exceed $25,000 nor shall the grant exceed 25% of the total eligible project cost. Furthermore, the following shall be apply:
-) All debts owed to the City shall be paid in full prior to an application being accepted.
-) The property must be zoned commercial or industrial pursuant to the Alton Zoning Ordinance.
-) The property shall meet all applicable building, life safety, zoning and maintenance codes upon project completion.
-) The project shall be consistent with the City’s comprehensive plan, zoning ordinance and the TIF redevelopment plan.
-) The project may be subject to review by the City’s Appearance Review Commission and/or Historic Commission.
-) The grant funds shall be made available as a reimbursement upon completion of the project.
-) If work is to completed by a third party contractor, three bids must be obtained and submitted to the City for review.
-) If work is to be completed by the grant recipient, only materials are eligible for reimbursement.
-) Work must be completed within 6 months upon execution of the redevelopment agreement, unless otherwise extended by the City of Alton.
Grant Process
The following will be the process used for an applicant to be considered for TIF grant:
1) Meet with the Department of Planning & Development to determine if the project is eligible for funding and whether sufficient funds are available. Staff will request a detailed description of the project and bid information.
2) Turn in a completed application with all requested attachments.
3) A redevelopment agreement will be prepared. Said agreement will be forwarded to the applicant for review. Upon conclusion of the review, the agreement and application materials will be forwarded to the City Council for consideration.
4) Upon approval of the redevelopment agreement by the City Council, the applicant may commence work.
5) Upon completion of the project, the applicant shall submit invoices and other appropriate documentation to obtain reimbursement from the City. REIMBURSEMENT SHALL BE AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE PROJECT AND IS CONTINGENT UPON ALL APPLICABLE CODES BEING MET.