The Alton Police Department works each and every day to be a good community partner. The Alton Police Department strives to provide services to our community in the form of programs that help educate, organize and directly assist the citizens of Alton in taking proactive measures to make themselves, their homes, their property, and their neighborhood more safe and secure. These services are provided through a myriad of programs that are provided free of cost to the citizens of Alton. Please scroll below or call 618.463.3505 for more information about these services.
Keeping our community as safe as possible is a vital part of our daily activities. The links below give helpful tips for the community to take an active part in the safety of themselves and others.
Personal Safety Tips
Holiday Shopping & Safety Tips
Child Safety Tips for Parents
Halloween Safety Tips
Crime Prevention Recommendations for the Elderly
Home Security Vacation Tips
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Emergency Management Institute (EMI)
FEMA Independent Study
Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA)
Madison County Emergency Agency
United States Fire Administration (USFA)
National Fire Academy (NFA)
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
Illinois Fire Chiefs Association (IFCA)
International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF)
Illinois Fire Service Institute (IFSI)
Illinois Department of Labor (IDOL)
Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA)
Detective Brian Brenner is the State of Illinois designated “Point of Contact” for the Alton Police Department’s sex offender registration and public notification. Detective Brenner maintains records on all registrations and compiles a weekly public listing of all registered sex offenders residing in Alton and throughout Madison County. For information on sex offender registration or to set up an informational meeting to learn more about this law, call 618.463.3505 ext. 643
If you are a sex offender and have questions about how to register with the Alton Police Department, you may direct your calls to Detective Brenner at 618.463.3505 ext. 643 Registration of offenders is conducted at the Records Division inside the Alton Police Department, 1700 E. Broadway, Alton, Illinois.
The Illinois State Police provides an online listing of sex offenders required to register in the State of Illinois. The database is updated daily and allows searching by name, city, county, zip code, compliance status, or any combination thereof. This list is maintained at the following link:
Click here to search for Sex Offenders
The Alton Police Department Chaplain Program is established for the purpose of providing spiritual and emotional support to all members of the Department, their families, and members of the public. No one is confronted with more situations that demoralize and create emotional, mental, and spiritual burdens than today’s law enforcement officer. These burdens also affect the officer’s family and other members of his or her department. Law Enforcement agencies need specialized guidance, counseling, and assistance for their officers, families, and communities. This pastoral care is offered to all people, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, creed, or religion.
The Law Enforcement Chaplain is led in his or her own faith to be available and ready to serve those in need. The Chaplain’s ministry provides a source of strength to the law enforcement officers and their families, other department members, and the community. The law enforcement officer’s clergy person or religious adviser in their private life, although trained in ministry, is not necessarily abreast of the particular problems and dangers faced by police officers. Chaplains listen and participate in the workplace of law enforcement officers with empathy and experience, advising calmly in the midst of turmoil and danger, and offering assistance when appropriate or requested.
In January 2011 Senior Chaplain Marc Lane was sworn in as Alton Police Department’s first Police Chaplain. Chaplain Lane is a disaster relief trained by SBC with advanced training in the areas of grief and trauma with Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM). Chaplain Marc Lane is a Full Member of the American Association of Christian Counselors. He is a graduate of the International Conference of Police Chaplains with Senior Police Chaplain credentials. He also carries Certified Master Chaplain credentials with the American Board of Certification for Homeland Security. In an effort to support departments without a chaplain program and even assist in the launch of their own program, Chaplain Marc serves as State Associate Chaplain with the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police – Area 10 (Madison, St. Clair, Jersey, Macoupin, Montgomery, Calhoun, Bond, Clinton and Greene County)
Chaplain Marc Lane
With the addition of Associate Chaplains Ray Vajda and Eddie West in February 2023, the Alton Police Department “Office of the Chaplain” is now positioned to meet the many requests of our community.
The Alton Police Department “Office of the Chaplain” Program seeks to connect with every Senior Pastor of this community. In doing so, our goal is to find Alton’s faith community connecting with each other. As the spiritual leader of your church, we would love to extend to you a closer (inside) look at your Alton Police Department. Please contact Lead Chaplain Marc Lane for more information on a Clergy station-house tour and officer ride-along.
Chaplains can be reached 24-Hours & 7-Days/Week through our secure voicemail pager at 618.463.2407.