1. Hours, Months, and Days Permitted: Outdoor leaf burning in the City shall be permitted only on Wednesdays and Saturdays of each week during the months of October, November, and December, and from April 15 through May 30 and only between the hours of ten o’clock (10:00) A.M. and six o’clock (6:00) P.M. of each day. Outdoor leaf burning shall not be permitted at any other time other than those set forth in this Section. This Section shall not apply to the Park and Recreation Department of the City or to any cemetery located in the City. (Ord. 6516, 8-9-2000).
2. Containers: Such burning shall be permitted only in containers located not less than fifteen feet (15′) from any building or structure on private property only, except that the Park Department of the City may conduct such outdoor leaf burning on publicly owned property, which burning shall be under direct Park Department supervision, and cemeteries may conduct such outdoor leaf burning under direct and continuous supervision. A “container” is defined as a metal burning barrel not to exceed fifty-five (55) gallon capacity or a mesh barrel approximately the same size.
3. Burning On Public Streets Prohibited: Outdoor leaf burning shall be prohibited at all times on or in any public street or alley in the City.
4. Burning Of Leaves Only: Outdoor leaf burning shall include only leaves fallen from trees, plants, and shrubs. It shall not include burning of any trash, garbage, or other disposables or any other material of any nature whatsoever. The burning of anything other than leaves, plants, or shrubs is a violation of City ordinance. The Police Department tickets violators.
A bona fide property owner or tenant may conduct lawn burning any day of the year during daylight hours. Such burning shall require the tenant or owner to remain on the said property until all burning has ceased and have a readily available method to control or extinguish such burning.
Definition: An outdoor fire burning materials other than rubbish where the fuel being burned is not contained in an incinerator, outdoor fireplace, portable outdoor fireplace, barbeque grill, or barbeque pit and has a total fuel area of three feet (3′) or less in diameter and two feet (2′) or less in height for pleasure, religious, ceremonial, cooking, warmth, or similar purposes.
Recreational fires shall not be conducted within twenty-five feet (25′) of a structure or combustible material. Conditions that could cause a fire to spread within twenty-five feet (25′) of a structure shall be eliminated prior to ignition.
Definition: A portable, outdoor, solid-fuel-burning fireplace that may be constructed of steel, concrete, clay, or other non-combustible material. A portable outdoor fireplace may be open in design or may be equipped with a small hearth opening and a short chimney or chimney opening in the top.
Portable outdoor fireplaces shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and shall not be operated within fifteen feet (15′) of a structure or combustible material.
Definition: An outdoor fire utilized for ceremonial purposes with a size not to exceed five feet (5′) high, by five feet (5′) long, by five feet (5′) wide.
A bonfire shall not be conducted within fifty feet (50′) of a structure or combustible material.
*A bonfire permit must be obtained from the Alton Fire Department and signed by the Fire Chief or his designee no later than seven (7) days prior to the bonfire event. The permit shall only be issued to the owner of the land upon which the fire is to be kindled. The burn site will also be inspected for compliance with the restrictions. Please call the Department to request a permit.*
Only seasoned, dried firewood is to be used for recreational fires, portable outdoor fireplaces, and bonfires.
Open burning that is offensive or objectionable because of smoke emissions or when atmospheric conditions or local circumstances make such fires hazardous shall be prohibited. If these conditions are present the fire department may order the extinguishment of the fire.
Flammable and/or Combustible liquids are NOT allowed to ignite or maintain open burning
Leaf and lawn burning, recreational fires, portable outdoor fireplaces, and bonfires shall be constantly attended until the fire is extinguished. A minimum of one portable fire extinguisher with a minimum of a 4A rating, garden hose, water barrel, or water truck, shall be available for immediate utilization.
Fire reports are required by insurance companies and relief organizations such as the Red Cross. A copy of the fire or other incident reports can be obtained from the secretary during normal business hours for a $10.00 fee.
Records requests: Andres Medical Billing at 1-800-244-2345 ext. 205 or email at [email protected]. Unfortunately due to privacy laws, we must follow the established procedure. If you are not the actual patient, we cannot provide you with a copy of the report unless you are the patient’s legal guardian or Power of Attorney.
If you are working through an attorney, your attorney will explain that process as the above process will not apply. You can download a copy of the report request form HERE.
The Fire Department conducts a free fire and life safety inspection of every business annually. Inspections are done by the fire companies between emergency calls. New businesses are inspected by the Building and Zoning Department prior to opening. The Fire Department also inspects tents and booths at fairs, circuses, and other events. For information regarding the requirements, please call the secretary.
The Fire Department has a limited number of certified car seat installers. Please call the secretary to find out when the next installer is on duty.
Click here for the City of Alton Emergency Operations Plan Synopsis
The City of Alton doesn’t have any tornado sirens and people that live or work in Alton are encouraged to register with CodeRed.
Click here to Register for Code Red Alerts
Per City Ordinance #6605 any commercial structures in the City of Alton with Fire Alarms are required by City ordinance to have a Knox Box rapid entry system for fire department use. Also, The fire department performs plan reviews and inspections on Fixed fire suppression systems including Fire sprinklers, Standpipe, Private fire hydrants, and underground water mains, Kitchen hood systems, and Fire alarms. The fire department performs business public safety inspections in all commercial occupancies annually. This task is performed to better prepare our firefighters to respond to emergencies as well as assisting to maintain a low ISO rating.
Contact Us
Fire Chief
E: [email protected]
Deputy Fire Chief
E: [email protected]
333 E 20th Street
Alton, IL 62002
P: 618.463.3565
FAX: 618.463.3539
Monday – Friday
8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.