In the City of Alton Ameren Illinois is responsible for the operation and maintenance of street lights located on public rights-of-way and public property owned by the city.
If Your Street Light Is Out
If you have a street light that is out, you may contact the city at (618) 463-3500 or call Ameren Illinois directly at (800) 755-1000 to request repair of the street light. To improve service when making a request, please look near the middle of the pole for a small circle tag that contains the pole number. Providing this identification number along with the closest street name and address will help identify the correct street light. To report a street light issue please fill out the form below. Schedules for repair of street lights are determined by Ameren Illinois.
Requesting maintenance of a New Subdivision’s Street Lights
If you are in a new subdivision within the city, your Aldermen may request the city take over operation and maintenance costs of the street lights. The street lights will need to be located on public rights-of-way in the subdivision. The subdivision must be completed and accepted by the city for public maintenance before this may be occur. A request may be made in writing to the Public Works Department. Staff will determine if the street lights meet the requirements for city subsidy of operating and maintenance costs. If so, a recommendation for acceptance will be made to the City Council. The process normally takes several months.
Requesting a Light in an Existing Subdivision
Residents interested in having a street light installed near their home may contact there Aldermen for assistance. Your Aldermen will review requests for street lights on city maintained public rights-of-way throughout the city. If a request meets the minimum requirements, a street light petition will be provided listing those residents that would be impacted by a new street light. The requesting resident will need to gather the signatures of support from all of the residents on the petition. Once the completed petition is received, the city will work with Ameren Illinois to identify the most practical location for the new street light.
While not always the case, some new street lights require residents to grant easements to Ameren Illinois to install and operate the street light. If it is possible to install the requested street light, a recommendation will be made to the City Council to approve installation of the street light. The cost of installation along with future operating and maintenance costs will be paid by the city. The length of time for installation of a new street light will vary upon the location, submission of the petition and Ameren Illinois scheduling. Normally this process can take up 3 months. Click here for contact information for your Aldermen
Streetlight Program Explained
Who pays for my streetlight?
The City of Alton works with our electric power provider Ameren for the installation, operation and maintenance of many of the streetlights on public rights-of-way and public property throughout the city.