Mayor’s Comments

From the Desk of Mayor David Goins


In the wake of the recent mine subsidence incident at Gordon Moore Park, we are acutely aware of the ripple effects on our community, both in terms of public use and economic impact. This event has affected not only the everyday enjoyment of our beloved park but also the broader economic activities related thereto.


The temporary closure of Gordon Moore Park impacts a variety of community activities and local businesses. From families enjoying their children playing soccer to seniors who regularly engage in activities like pickleball, we are all experiencing a significant disruption from the norm. The impact further extends to our local sports tourism industry, affecting organizations such as the Alton River Dragon and the Spencer T. Olin Golf Course. These activities bring visitors to our city, benefiting our restaurants, hotels, and other local businesses. The reduction in outdoor sports tourism revenue is a substantial blow to our economy, particularly affecting the Alton Park and Recreation Department.


My number one goal remains the safety and well-being of our community. I am committed to working with New Frontier Materials, MSHA, and other stakeholders to ensure that the park is thoroughly inspected and remediated to the highest safety standards. To that end, we will prioritize safety in all our plans and actions.


In addition, we are also focusing on the financial health of our city. Just as we are working to secure the physical infrastructure of Gordon Moore Park, we are equally committed to ensuring the economic stability and vitality of our community. I will continue to work diligently to support the businesses and organizations affected by this incident, and to implement measures that will help safeguard our community’s economic future.


Thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate this challenging situation. Together, we will overcome this and emerge stronger, ensuring that Alton remains a safe and thriving place for all.



David Goins

Mayor of Alton